Sunday, August 12, 2012

Time: A Friend To No One...

With another school year fast approaching it has unfortunately hit me like a ton of bricks that the children I once thought would never grow up, would never get any bigger, would never grow out of that "little kid" stage...have. My oldest son, Jesse, is going to be a senior this year and will be 18 in December, my daughter, Kyndall, is going to be 13 next month and in the 7th grade, and my youngest, James, just turned 11 and will be in the 5th grade. I do realize this is by no means completely grown and they still have many years ahead of them. However I do feel like a large portion of their childhood has passed and I find myself, like most parents, wondering where it all went.

Also as most parents do, I found myself thinking there will always be a tomorrow, you can always get to it later, or you will just always have more time. As I see one of my children approach his final year of school and another is now more than halfway through her school years, I find myself in a little bit of shock. There is a lot of reminiscing, there is a lot of sadness, but there is also a lot of joy for watching the people they have become and are going to continue to become. It is a situation that creates a variety of emotions and I know I am not the first or the last to go through it, I guess I just feel since I am going through it now, I am justified in having my pity

Overall, the moral of this particular blog is to make my story and the stories of mother's past to be a cautionary tale to all the new mother's out there and mother's to be. You will have MANY sleepless nights, MANY moments of aggravation, MANY moments of "will this ever end".  Never wish for them to hurry and grow up because one day, they do. Never wish for childhood to end because one day, it does. Never wish for things to be different because one day, they are. Even as difficult as all of it can be to deal with, enjoy every minute of it because one day, LONGGGGGGGGGG before you are ready, it will all end. You will find yourself watching that child who once couldn't tie his shoes, once couldn't reach for a cup, and once couldn't even write his own name standing at the edge of graduating from high school and ready to walk into the world except this time, you can't make him hold your hand!


  1. I remember the day I took that picture and I remember all the pictures after that. I remember the day each of them was born. I remember doing 95 miles an hour down St. Francis highway the day Kylee was born. I remember Jesse watching Jurassic Park 6x a night when I babysat him. "Play it again Aunt Shele!" I remember Kyndall sticking in her face in cherry cheesecake. I remember James flashing that winning smile all the time. I remember so much and I'm so glad I got to be there for part of it and I'm so proud to be their Aunt. They grew up much faster than I ever expected or wanted, but I too look forward to the years to come. Love to u all.

    1. Yeah thanks for that big bawl fest love you too! This is going to be a rough year and all I can say is I am glad I will not have to do it again for another four years. I will need the break!
