Monday, November 3, 2014

My Own Personal Thoughts On The "Ebola Crisis"

I will state from the beginning, that if anyone finds this offensive or rude, then I do apologize, but again, these are my thoughts and my feelings, therefore no one is required to believe them, trust them, or follow them.

Of course we know that right now, based solely on media coverage, that Ebola has become not a HEALTH epidemic, but a FEAR epidemic of monumental portions. Why? Because we are human beings wired for immediate mass hysteria of the unknown! Even looking at the facts, that there have been only THREE confirmed cases in the U.S., it in no way sways people from complete breakdown about this disease. If fact, a recent poll that was conducted showed that approximately 40% of the population view Ebola as a “moderate to severe health risk”…THREE PEOPLE folks!

Now here is another interesting fact, how many people know what Enterovirus D68 is? Typically speaking the only people who are aware of what this is are people with small children. This particular virus causes respiratory problems, often severe, and in rare cases, has even caused children to develop muscle paralysis, but even that has no concrete scientific proof of causation. To date, approximately 600 children, in 45 states, have been infected. Now most have recovered quickly, but there have still been 5 deaths so naturally there is a great deal of anxiety among parents in the U.S.

Here is the question, are we essentially worrying too much about both of these diseases? Here is the reality and the answer…YES! Unequivocally YES! The actuality is that we are not nor have we ever applied the panic where it should actually be when it comes to diseases that are FAR MORE LIKELY to cause serious damage to the U.S. population. For example….INFLUENZA!  Everyone should be aware that Flu season is upon us. What everyone may not be aware of is that is that the Flu kills THOUSANDS of Americans and puts HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS in the hospital. Yet never do you see the level and magnitude of widespread panic and chaos that we have seen in the last month.

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the average annual death toll from the Flu, between the years of 1976 and 2007, has been MORE than 23,000!!!! What’s more insane, at least to me, is that there ARE preventative measures and even a VACCINE for the Flu while there is nothing for Ebola or Enterovirus D68. The bigger reality is that actually trying to force some public panic over the Flu, as has been done with the other two, might actually help increase awareness as well as people taking preventative measures. Nope, here we are with the media creating "circus level craziness" over two diseases that are highly unlikely to ever reach the level of panic they are currently garnishing and truth be told, when it comes to Ebola, at this time, the only people who are truly at risk, are health care workers!

Ebola and Enterovirus D68 are nothing more than novelty items right now. Just like the new toy at Christmas that every child wants or the newest cell phone/electronic that every adult wants. Meanwhile, the Flu has basically become the first IPod ever produced or toys from the 80’ know, “been there, done that”. It’s people's familiarity with it that causes them to not be scared of it. Numerous studies have been done to show, people will underestimate the overall risks of the everyday, common place hazards of life, while at the same time, INCREDIBLY overestimating the overall risk of those events that are out of the ordinary. To put it plainly, as I have said many, many, many times, “We always fear what we don’t know!”  People will turn themselves inside out with worry about a plane crash, while driving everyday like they are on automatic pilot when every study shows you are more likely to die in a car crash or even walking that on a plane.

All of this fear, while understandable is absolutely, 100% irrational. We have all heard that you should never stress or worry about that which you can’t control because it is wasted energy! Ebola is no different! There is no vaccine, it is not spread through the air, but we do know that it’s probably a good idea to stay away from anyone who has been to South Africa in the last 21 days. The Flu on the other hand is spread through the air, can kill you and does kill thousands every year, but also has several preventative measures. People, we survived small pox, we survived polio, we survived NIHI, we even survived the turn of the new millennium, which if you will remember, EVERYTHING was saying then that it was going to end the world, just like people believe now!

I also want to add for those who don’t know, for those who think that hospitals are not taking this seriously, hospital protocol says there are two questions that are asked to anyone who presents with the possibility of having Ebola. The first being if they have flu like symptoms because that is what you will see and the second is, if they have been in contact with anyone who has traveled to South Africa or if they themselves have, in the last 7-21 days. If both of those questions are asked, they are immediately quarantined and tested. It is because it takes 7-21 days for symptoms to appear and if by chance they have been to Africa or been around someone who has, but if was longer than 21 days ago, they are clear, it’s just that simple. That's a fact, that's science, there is no getting around it!

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